Solo & Ensemble Contest is an exciting time of year. Students who choose to participate show the most musical growth.
Solo: time-line and process:
End of October, select a solo. When selecting a solo, remember that you want to be challenged but not beaten down. The Music Library in the Band Room has many selections to choose from: ask your lesson teacher and directors for advice on what solo would be best for your musical development.
Purchase a copy for yourself…a composer only makes money from the sale of the music.
Register for Solo & Ensemble contest by November 22.
Pay the registration fee.
November or early December: contact a pianist. Commonly known as an accompanist, the pianist will be playing for you at both UHS and Perry Band Olympics. Questions to ask them:
What is their fee? What does that fee include?
Are they able to play the piano part of your solo? If it is too difficult, you may need to ask around.
When are they available to rehearse?
January: schedule rehearsals with your pianist
Clear your schedule for Tuesday evening, February 11 at Urbandale High School. The schedule is released about two weeks before.
Clear your schedule for Saturday, February 22 at Perry High School. The schedule is released about two weeks before.
Play your best.
Ensemble: time-line and process:
End of October, create an ensemble. Maybe it’s your friends? Maybe it’s members of your section? Ask around.
Select a piece of music. When selecting music for your ensemble, remember that you want to be challenged but not beaten down. The Music Library in the Band Room has many selections to choose from: ask your lesson teacher and directors for advice on what piece would be best for your musical development.
If our Music Library doesn’t have a piece of music, the Band department will purchase a copy for your ensemble to play
Register for Solo & Ensemble contest by November 22.
Pay the registration fee.
Practice individually.
December and January: practice together every week.
Clear your schedule for Tuesday evening, February 11 at Urbandale High School. The schedule is released about two weeks before.
Clear your schedule for Saturday, February 22 at Perry High School. The schedule is released about two weeks before.
Play your best.
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2019 Perry Band Olympic Results
2018 Perry Band Olympic Results
2017 Perry Band Olympic Results
2016 Perry Band Olympic Results