Dairy Barn

Sign-up here (2016 is here!!)

Download Work Permit here.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers (2015 Edition)

The Dairy Barn is a major fundraiser for the Urbandale High School Band program. Band students and families serve ice cream and shakes at the Dairy Barn all 11 days of the Iowa State Fair. We ask students, including incoming freshmen, to volunteer at least three shifts and that each family contribute at least two additional adult shifts.

While the Dairy Barn is always a great way to help the band program, this year it can also be a great way to help you reduce the cost of the band trips. 

Each shift you and your family volunteers for earns you a credit to your band trip account. (The exact amount of credit allocated for each shift is yet to be determined.) So, the more you and your family volunteer, the less your trip costs.

The Iowa State Fair runs from Thursday, Aug. 11 to Sunday, Aug. 21. There are two shifts per day: 

• The first runs from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
• The second runs from 3 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (10 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays). (The shifts overlap by half an hour to allow time for training and transition.)

A few things to note as you sign up:

• You will receive a fair admission ticket for your volunteer shift.
• We ask you report to the Dairy Barn, ready to volunteer, 15 minutes prior to your shift and be available for the duration of your shift.
• We remind you that it takes 45 minutes to an hour or more to travel to and from the Dairy Barn from Urbandale, especially when it’s busy at the fairgrounds (such as during the fair).
• We ask you to check schedules, especially if you are in a school fall activity such as cross country, golf, Jaywalkers, etc., and to avoid signing up for Dairy Barn when it would interfere with practices, meets or events.

We ask students to volunteer for three shifts and each family to volunteer for two adult shifts. Thank you in advance for signing up and being part of this team.

Please know that if something changes and you are unable to volunteer for your signed-up times, that’s OK, just let us know as soon as possible.

Urbandale High School Band/Dairy Barn Volunteers is on Facebook. For photos, updates and other stuff, join the herd (and Like us) at facebook.com/mooband.

If you have any questions, please e-mail me. Thank you in advance,

Eric Muller
UHS Band/Dairy Barn volunteer wrangler

For info & to sign up:

Updates & stuff: facebook.com/mooband